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Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Hubby Will Teach PE/Health

So, inshallah, my hubby will be in charge of gym essentially. I asked to get involved in my little man's schooling and we talked about different ways he could be more involved. He decided he would like to take charge of PE/Health.
I gave him some tips regarding how to set goals and break them into lessons. I told I think of what my long term overall goal is then keep that in mid as I break it down into smaller goals. I then think, "What goal could we meet this year that would bring us closer to that over all goal?" I break that down into smaller and smaller pieces until they are so small we can make them into individual lessons.
I made some suggestions like looking up a pacing guide and standards. Trying The Presidents Fitness Challenge, and offered to put together some information for him.

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