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Friday, July 22, 2011

I I put together the work boxes for the first day of school!

I I put together the work boxes for the first day of school! I also put all printed material into note books, 1 week per note book.
I still need to tidy the school room and get his computer all plugged in. I also need to print all the rest of the years school stuff and make myself an action plan so that I am organized and prepared.
In addition to getting ready for a new school year I am preparing for Ramadan.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Clock in and Out

To go with our use of work boxes I made Super Pickle clock in and out pouches. I bought 2 pouches at the local Idaho School Supply for $.09 a piece. When he comes down to the school room for the day he can take his Super Pickle to the clock in pouch and when he is done for the day he can move it to clock out. I think he will love it.
I used LibreOffice pasted this picture 2x, and typed clock in and out under. I also printed a large version of it on card stock. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

An Animation is a site that you can make basic little cartoons. This is mine, there isn't a lot of choices for free so i picked armless pirates.