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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Links to Free Math Books (1st grade)

I am on the great journey of selecting math curriculum. I know that I could buy something, or I could just kinda do an ad-hoc kind of thing but I want to do neither. I want it free, not counting the cost of printing and manipulatives. I want it to be very interested to my son and preferably scripted or at least very heavily outlined. I am not very comfortable with math and I want my son to love it and do well with it. (The opposite of me.)
There are actually quite a few options out there. We could use a very old fashioned text book like First Lessons in Arithmetic published originally by Brothers and Company. The Grammar of Math is a site that a private school teacher has made video lessons and supplemental materials to accompany the book. I think she uses the book in her class room. There are other similar books that I like. For example First Lessons in Numbers, Oral and Written by Benjamin Greenleaf, A.M. The problem with it is that it does not cover geometry or algebra. I covers measurement and somewhat covers money. There are other books that do cover these areas but the money part is out dated. Pictures of money from when I was a child are out dated so one can imagine.
There is the MEP program. It looks a little in appearance but it seems to be primarily activity based and would take quite a bit of preparation. They use it in Hungary and the UK. A similar program is CSMP.
And of course there is the typical school books. I will just list them rather than give much info as they are all kind of similar anyway.

  • Go Math Florida TE (Intended for children that are either up to 2 years behind their peers or more than 2 years behind their peers.) This is the TE. Here is an index of many other resources that go with it. Take your time and explore.
  • Go Math Florida Student edition. 
  • Think Math TE
  • Think Math Student addition
  • Math Expressions
  • Math Expressions TE A cool thing about this one is that you can access a lot of resources that go with each lesson by clicking the resources button. Tests and everything.
  • HSP Math NC I don't like how this one id displayed, but NC is known for the best schools in the US.
  • HSP Math NC TE It seems to be very similar to the Harcourt book we had.
  • CA Mathematics McGraw ID camath01 password redwood Has a student handbook. This is a site that has mini lessons and games to accompany the book.  D6FFE73DD6 is the code to link and had the text book with audio available and occasionally links to the games page under the resource button.
  • NCERT Mathmagic is made by a government agency in India I believe. Scroll down to Class 1, which is for 6 to 7 year olds.
  • Georgia Math ID fcsfirst password fcsmath 
  • Math Connects D6FFE73DD is the code. F765640977 or AEF03A3C25 for 2nd, A838535E8A or DA4F562186 for 3rd, CB77A58EB7 or E3488CCEF0 4th, A7B8EC5CE9 or E3F898A3AB 5th, A8FBM1C38F or F066E2B8F1 6th, A84CFF6287 7th.
  • HM Georgia Math ID 1classdekalb Password dekalbstudent1 you can change the grade by changing the number

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