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Friday, December 2, 2011

K, we're being a little lame today

K, we're being a little lame today. My son worked on his math facts but, while he is currently supposed to be reading he is making sound effects. Along the lines of....well you just have to hear them LOL. Little boys!
I think I am going to ask him to do his writing and give up finish early today, LOL.

WOW I have 3 Followers!

WOW I have 3 Followers! He he! So Cool! Mashallah. Anyway HI!

A Blustery Day

Today we had a wind storm.My mom, who lives 21+ hours drive away heard about it on the news. This tells you about the wind. So how did we spend our day?
Well we woke to the power being off and since our furnace uses electricity to control the gas, we had no heat. I light both the fireplaces and started some water boiling on the one with "logs". I kept the house pretty warm this way.
Our neighbor friends came by and warmed up a bit then I took a couple with My Little Man and I to run some erands.
B is not currently on his ADHD medication and so B would get My Little Man going and the two of them drove me CRAZY at the store! lol. I do not know what I was thinking when I offered to take him LOL. Well I brought the kids back put away groceries, brought A from the family with My Little Man and I and we finished off our grocery shopping and went to Walmart. (I hate that I shop at Walmart)
When we finaly came home, after Arbys for lunch, I gave A and MLM (My Little Man) a banana and saw that the power was finally back on.
MLM reluctantly started on school work for the day and I kept an eye on MLM and A. Eventaully A went home and I made dinner. MLM still didn't do Arabic but completed all other tasks. 
I am TIRED and MLM is finally in bed. I think he fell asleep in less than 5 minutes.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Laid Back Day

Well today My Little Man did some reading in McGuffey's Eclectic Primer and the the cursive copy work. He couldn't remember how to make a cursive letter g so he got out his cursive writing book and taught himself the g. Then he decided to write a couple of sentences. Oh I forgot, before that he was working on a Road to Writing book called Animal Crackers. He draws pictures and writes in the details of the book. I had told him pick something to do from a certain book shelf. He also started a science experiment to make salt crystals. He is reading Frankenstein, it was adapted for children at about a 3rd grade reading level. We are reading the Wizard of Oz together. Also My Little Man timed himself going over his +0 +1 and +2 facts.
I am going to try to get him to do something from a book called Super Fun For One: 366 Solo Activities for Kids by Patricia Gordon and Reed C. Snow.   I just showed him the book and he is looking for something to do from the book.
Later I will have him do an Arabic lesson from the web and a little bit from How We Use Numbers.

Monday, November 28, 2011

No Fighting! Yeah!

Well today was a pretty good day. My Little Man definitely got bored working on his math facts, but there was no yelling and arguing and what not. I let him do his reading before his math and after he had reviewed the facts for an hour he asked to do his How We Use Number's book. I said "Sure." And he was very happy, and when he finally figured out he could do as many pages as he wanted from the book he was even happier. I just reminded him that if it asks him to do an activity he does it.
He didn't really want to do his writing but he didn't give me too hard of a time about it. In the end he wrote about his new kitchen timer. I gave him the timer so he could time himself doing math facts.