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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Laid Back Day

Well today My Little Man did some reading in McGuffey's Eclectic Primer and the the cursive copy work. He couldn't remember how to make a cursive letter g so he got out his cursive writing book and taught himself the g. Then he decided to write a couple of sentences. Oh I forgot, before that he was working on a Road to Writing book called Animal Crackers. He draws pictures and writes in the details of the book. I had told him pick something to do from a certain book shelf. He also started a science experiment to make salt crystals. He is reading Frankenstein, it was adapted for children at about a 3rd grade reading level. We are reading the Wizard of Oz together. Also My Little Man timed himself going over his +0 +1 and +2 facts.
I am going to try to get him to do something from a book called Super Fun For One: 366 Solo Activities for Kids by Patricia Gordon and Reed C. Snow.   I just showed him the book and he is looking for something to do from the book.
Later I will have him do an Arabic lesson from the web and a little bit from How We Use Numbers.

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