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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Only Child Myth

But is there any science that makes the stereotype stick? "No," Newman said. "There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers."

This is comforting because while i would like to have more children, I have yet to get pregnant a second time. Some of my worries about having only one is what about those times I didn't savor the moment, will I never get a chance again to try to enjoy pregnancy? How will my son be able to provide and care for us when we are old, with out siblings to help? Since we live so far from other family, will growing up in such a small family mean he misses out of so much that makes life beautiful? Will he as a result not value family? Will he only give me 1, grandchild? (I want at least 3 if not 10) 
I want another person to share this genetic bond with, not just my son. (I was adopted so there is this special added bit to my feelings towards my son. Not only am I his mother and love him but physically, in his DNA he is part of me. )
On the other hand, having just one child means that he will probably do better academically than if he had 4 siblings. Also if I decide to spend money on clothes or gifts as a treat for my son all of that money can go towards him and not just a fraction of it. I do not have to worry about dividing myself in anyway amongst other children to be fair, unless I want to spend time with other children.  I have time for all of me and all of my duties. There is no worry of sibling rivalry, favoritism or what ever. I can honestly say that my son is my FAVORITE child in the UNIVERSE! I can tell my son I love him more than any other child he has ever met, or will meet, or is in the world. 
For my son, there aren't really any drawbacks for being an only child. For me there are drawbacks for  only having one. So if we choose to get help getting pregnant, or adopt it would be for us, the parents and not for my son so much. Not to say he wouldn't have some advantages by having a sibling but not that many and I think it would even out with being an only child.